Sliding Scale Payments. Who Pays What?
Once you’ve read the following, feel free to request aid application forms: director@bearcampcenter.org
Because we at The Bearcamp Center believe that if we all honestly pay what we’re able, experiences like our summer camp can be made available to all families. Please take a look at the sliding scale, with descriptions, and think about where your family falls on this income spectrum.
Some of us are able to pay these fees. Others can contribute at least close to full fees, but it will mean cutting back for a time on luxuries or extras in order to enjoy this camp experience. Some make choices that limit income and should do the hard work of finding ways to make a fair contribution. Some do not have any wiggle room at all to pay anything close to full price so, without a sliding scale, would not have the option of sending their kids to this camp.
PLEASE NOTE: because funding to support this camp comes from different sources, some funding sources ( specifically from the Tamworth Foundation and the Town of Tamworth) is restricted to serve only children from Tamworth. Applications for financial support from Tamworth families will go into a separate pool from other campers. If participation depends on financial support, it is essential that you, regardless of your home town, fill out your application immediately.
This left end of the scale ($25-50) is for those who are unable to or struggle to meet their basic needs, and have little to no expendable income.
If you have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time worrying about your basic needs, you belong in the middle range ($50-150), even if you have some debt or needs.
Those who have disposable income for recreation and savings, can consistently and comfortably pay their bills, and know that their financial position can support something as important as enriching childcare should pay (close to) full price each week ($150-225).
Pay less on the scale if you:
- frequently stress about meeting basic needs, and are not always able to achieve meeting them
- receive public assistance (SNAP, free and reduced lunch, heating oil, medicaid, etc
- support additional dependents (parents, extended family, anyone else relying on your money)
- don’t have savings
- do not have reliable transportation
- live paycheck to paycheck
- have experienced not having enough food
- have debt that interferes with being able to meet basic needs
- have medical expenses not covered by insurance
- have a chronic illness or disability that impacts your ability to earn money
- have unpredictable living arrangements
- are under or unemployed
- rarely buy new items because they’re unaffordable
- cannot afford to take time off without it being a financial burden
The highest dollar range is the true cost of running these camps. If you are able to pay for your wants and needs, this range is for you. Pay more on the scale if you:
• are able to spend money recreationally, monthly, on eating out, playing, or traveling,etc
• have savings, investments, inherited money, and/or retirement accounts
• can ask people in your life for money or secure a loan
• own the home you live i
• own commercial or rental properties
• travel recreationally
• have access to family money or resources in a time of need
• work part time or not at all, by choice
• are able to access health care
• are managing any debt you have
• are fully employed
•have few or no additional dependents
• know that paying the real cost of camp is feasible for you, even if you have to stretch
Supplemental Funding Sources for Summer Camp on the Bearcamp
Because our financial aid pool is not very big, we ask that those from the following towns apply for support to these funds ASAP.
For Sandwich Residents
The Sandwich Children and Youth Fund serves children from Sandwich, providing scholarships for children up to age 26 to participate in day and overnight summer programs.
For application form: http://cms6.revize.com/revize/sandwich/Sandwich%20Children%20and%20Youth%20Fund.pdf
For more info: sandwichchildrenandyouthfund@gmail.com
For Ossipee, Madison, Freedom, and Effingham Residents
The organization was established on the premise that children of working parents or parents seeking employment should be assured a secure environment in which to learn, socialize and play.
For application form: https://www.ocfnh.org/uploads/2/1/7/1/21713918/ocf_application_december_2020.pdf
For more info: ossipeechildrensfund@gmail.com
For Low-Income Families or Children with Disabilities/IEPs/504 Plans
New Hampshire’s Rekindling Curiosity Program provides camp fee support up to $750. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9cYK7wrDFe1S0ifLXrylNC41UqPpxPX/view