Summer Camps

Summer months can be a challenge for working families. We’re here to lighten the load! At The Bearcamp Center, a team of experienced educators and friendly teen assistants develop and run affordable, lively, creative, and safe camp experiences for children ages 5-13, designed to keep young minds and bodies joyfully busy. Each of the six sessions at The Bearcamp Center will run Monday-Thursday throughout July and into August.

Campers register for four activities per week. Some campers come to us for one or two weeks, while others join us for the entire summer. Activities might include: Circus and Magic; Fun with Fairies; Wood Shop; Vikings; Campfire Cooking; Running and Hiking; Fishing; Lego Building Challenges; Wilderness First Aid; Journaling and Cartooning; Singing; Quilting; Theater; Knitting and Crocheting; Soccer Skills; Craft-O-Rama; Swamp Rat Marsh Exploration; Forts; Seeds and Gardens; more!

A light breakfast, two snacks, and lunch will be offered each day, at no extra charge, for all interested campers. Breakfasts might include homemade muffins and fruit, yogurt and granola, bagels or biscuits with cheese or jam; snacks could include fruit, veggies and hummus or dip, crackers and cheese, homemade cookies or bars, or smoothies; and lunches will be hot meals like homemade pizza, macaroni and cheese, chili, pasta and vegetable sauce, burritos or tacos, etc. Meals are typically vegetarian. We can take food sensitivities and dietary restrictions into account, with advanced notice. The lunch meals will also be available for camper families to take home, by donation, from our Comfort Food freezer.