Pizza Night! Saturday, January 13

Happy New Year, All, We hope you all got our annual letter in your mail with our list of meals through the year so you can add them to your calendar! After all the abundance of the holidays, for our first congregate meal of 2024, we’re stripping back to...

Giving Thanks Feast 2023

Whether you live alone and don’t want to cook a feast for yourself, are on a tight budget so a feast isn’t possible, or you simply prefer someone to do the cooking for you: we’ve got you covered! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy,...

Holiday Sparkle Camp

Monday and Tuesday, December 11 & 12, from 4-6pm, we’ll be hosting kiddos in grades K-8 for a frolic of holiday preparation. Bake and decorate holiday cookies; make jars of giftable hot chocolate; enter Santa’s workshop where you’ll shape gifts...