Order now and support the Christmas Feast we prepare for all who want or need it. Your purchase of one (or more!) of our amazing baked treats will not only make your own Christmas more spirited but will ensure that we can fund every single Christmas dinner needed by our community.

Pumpkin Pie–traditional, spiced, delicious. $25
Pear Ginger Cranberry Pie–streusel topping, sweet and tangy. $25
Tiramisu–espresso-soaked lady fingers swathed in whipped cream and marscapone and sprinkled with chocolate. $27
International Cookie Medley–orange shortbread with glaze; Neapolitans (tri-colored almond cake with raspberry between layers and dark chocolate ganache); Basler Läckerli (swiss spiced bars), with almonds, dried fruit, and spices; and chocolatey, Danish rum balls. $24 per 2 dozen

Email director@bearcampcenter.org to place your order before 12/20/24.