Wednesday, March 27, 11am-1:30pm

The Bearcamp Center is hosting the second in our series of monthly luncheons with a creative, contemplative, social, and otherwise delicious component.

This month, Wendy Shambaugh will lead us in making Pysanky eggs, a traditional art form using wax and paint or dye to create intricate patterns on eggs.  As we craft, we’ll get to know each other over conversation, beginning with the simple question: how does Spring open us up to the possibilities in a new season or new year?  We’ll share a light meal of curried chicken and/or chickpea salad with plenty of fresh greens and some sweet treats. Participants may keep their eggs or donate them to be shared with those who need a little extra attention or pick-me-up after a long, grey winter.

This program is offered to all by donation:  pay what or if you’re able or what you think the program is worth to our community.

If you’d like to join us, please RSVP to Heidi Fayle at And bring a friend who would like to meet new people, try their hand at a craft, or simply get out of the house!

Intro to Ukrainian Pysanky Egg Decorating (3/18/2023) | Paramount Center  for the Arts